One Time Discounts and HubSpot Payment Links
Everybody loves a good discount, right?
Did you know that ✨HubSpot Payments✨ makes giving one-time discounts super easy?
Not to mention, HubSpot Payments offers other great features that make payment management a breeze, including -
✔️ Payment Links
✔️ Invoices
✔️ Subscriptions
✔️ Out-of-the-box Revenue Dashboards (so you don't have to spend time and money getting those built!)
✔️ Payment Schedules (coming soon!)
... there's definitely a lot to love with HubSpot Payments🧡 If you want more on the above features, subscribe to our channel!
For now, let’s focus on helping you provide one-time discounts using the magic of Payment Links.
Join Mandy in this quick HubSpot tutorial as she shows you how to:
✔️ Create one-time discounts for customer purchases.
✔️ Create one-time discounts for ACH.
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