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51 Marketing Hub Automations Your Team Should Know About

    Setting ICP Tiers Automatically in HubSpot - Thumbnail

    Sales Hub Tutorial: Setting ICP Tiers Automatically in HubSpot

      Mark Contacts as Marketing Contacts in HubSpot

      Smart Content
      HubSpot Marketing Contacts
      Manage Contact
      Contact as Marketing
      Marketing Contact Status
      Contacts as Marketing
      Marketing Tools Contact
      Contact Tier Limit
      HubSpot Contact Status
      Billable Contact Tier
      Personalized Landing Page


      You probably have a lot of contacts in your HubSpot account. ☎️

      But Marketing Contacts in Marketing Hub are the only ones that count towards your contact tier. This means that if you want to use HubSpot features such as:

      ✔️Marketing emails, including follow-up emails after form submissions
      ✔️Contact list audiences in the ads tool
      ✔️Marketing actions in workflows, such as Send email and Add to or Remove from ads audiences.

      ...then you need to mark certain contacts as Marketing Contacts in your account.

      Your Non-Marketing Contacts, on the other hand, don't count towards your contact tier and HubSpot tools cannot market to these contacts. Contacts cannot be set as marketing then non-marketing in the same month.📝

      So, how do you mark a contact as a Marketing Contact?

      Join Mandy as she walks us through the process step-by-step in this quick video.

      Need more HubSpot tips, tricks, resources, and more? Find us at https://digitalreachos.com/

      Social Links:
      Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@revlady_on_the_road
      Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/digitalreachos/
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/digitalreachopm